Entrepreneur training – how do you choose?

entrepreneur training

We recently discussed digital marketing skills. Choosing a focus is the best place to start. How do you progress from there? When you are an online entrepreneur, training is all your responsibility so where do you start?

Make sure your entrepreneur training is current

Like any other job, you need continuous professional development to stay ahead in your field. Big changes occur all the time in the digital marketing world. You need to build review time into your training to ensure you are getting the latest information.

Channel surf with YouTube

Probably the best way to get free training is through YouTube. Not all YouTube vids are created equally, so do a little research to check that you are using your time wisely. Subscribe to channels that offer you valuable content, so you always know when new content appears.

Online course providers

If you are willing to pay a small fee for more consistent quality, you can check out course sites like Udemy, Coursera and LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com). They all carry a wide range of digital training courses. You can pick your level, so they are great for polishing your expertise or for learning a new skill from scratch. You can download apps for each site and get content on your phone.

Entrepreneur training events

There’s no substitute for in-person learning with a group of your peers. Yes, this will usually be the most expensive option but it’s worth making some room in the budget as long as you know you’ll get results.

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The level of commitment it requires to book and show up at a training event is greater than any of the other options. Just going along can boost your momentum and energise your business. You may also make a few good networking connections for the future.

Do your research and make sure your provider is reputable and worthwhile. Check out their online content and see if they are offering any kind of guarantee of results. When you are there, take notes and implement any new strategies straight away so you get the most out of what you learn.

Dean has just put all the latest information to become a successful online marketer with your own online business into a new video training called “The New Way To Build A Profitable Business Online Even If You Have No Products, No Technical Experience, And Without Selling Anything

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Thanks for reading, I can’t wait to help you become a successful online marketer.

Get your copy of The New Way To Build A Profitable Business Online Even If You Have No Products, No Technical Experience, And Hate Selling

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