Digital marketing is a large and expanding field. There are so many areas you can study. You need to be careful that you don’t end up with a little knowledge of lots of areas but no pro-level learning. It’s great to be aware of the different digital marketing skills so you can choose where to focus.
You can always engage professional support to cover the areas where you choose not to specialise. As you grow, you may wish to build a remote team. We’ll talk more about this in an upcoming post.
SEO – digital marketing skills
This covers all things search engine related as studies show that 97% of consumers go online to engage services and most of them will find their starting point with a search engine. The first listing on Google has a 35% click-through rate. All this means that if you can conquer SEO, you are in a prime position for success.
Social Media – digital marketing skills

Social media is the best way to get your brand into the public consciousness. The versatility of the various platforms means that you can decide on the qualities of your brand then choose the social media outlet that showcases them perfectly. It is satisfying to watch the likes and followers build-up. As this happens, you learn more about your growing community and this helps to refine your message. Social media marketing skills are trickier than most people think but totally worth the investment.
Remarketing is based on expert insights into people’s online behaviour. Precision understanding leads to skilful navigation and choices.
You have lots of chances to reach your potential customers if you know what they want and where they will go. If you choose remarketing as one of your digital marketing skills, you’ll soon be fascinated by the potential of this tool.
Graphics, photos, branding – all these are key building blocks for digital marketing. Coherence and creativity on these levels give a massive boost to all your other strategies. It’s about deciding who you are and how you want to present your business to the world then using the best possible tools to make it happen.
Dean has just put all the latest information to become a successful online marketer with your own online business into a new video training called “The New Way To Build A Profitable Business Online Even If You Have No Products, No Technical Experience, And Without Selling Anything“
Thanks for reading, I can’t wait to help you become a successful online marketer.
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