Give a little, get a lot with this marketing strategy

Today we’re looking at why giving something away for free can be the money-spinner you have been looking for as long as you are poised to take advantage of the results. These are some top tips for maximising the potential of a gift as a marketing tool.


Pick the right giveaway

In this age of savvy consumers, everyone realises that you don’t get something for nothing. However, you can still generate plenty of goodwill even if your new subscriber knows that they are giving away something – like their data – to get your gift.

The key is to offer them plenty of value in return for their input without costing you a lot. For example, you could choose something like a piece of software. This requires minimal outlay on your part and doesn’t cost you again each time someone subscribes. That way, you’re taking less of a risk.


Get it out there

Plan a social media strategy in advance so that you are connecting on all your platforms at the same time. Keep your audience engaged and provide a bit of background info for your gift. Get people curious, interested and motivated to sign up.


Grow your client’s business

If you are marketing to business peers, you want them to grow. If you stay a few steps ahead, it’s not competition, it’s potential future business for you. If you offer them something that takes their business to the next level, they’ll be looking to you for the move after that and, with a bit of forethought, you will be right there offering it to them through your funnel.


Build the relationship

Once you have customer details, you want to be right there communicating with them as they are putting your gift to good use. Follow up with some tips that they can utilise when using your offering and lodge yourself firmly in their mind as a mentor as well as a generous provider.


Track your results

You’re always learning and growing. You can have an ongoing giveaway or a one-off, competition-style offering to boost likes or shares on social media. Either way, you want to see what works in the short and long term so that, next time you take the same action, you are better. Test different strategies, images and text to see which approach is having the greatest impact.


Dean has just put all the latest information to succeed at affiliate marketing with your own online business into a new video training called “The New Way To Build A Profitable Business Online Even If You Have No Products, No Technical Experience, And Hate Selling

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