Three ways to get your clients to opt-in

With the advent of GDPR, affiliate marketers need to be certain that they are offering their subscribers value, or they will soon find themselves with a much shorter email list. It’s time to remind users why they signed up with you in the first place and why it is worth their while to keep going. To do this, you need to find a way to connect with them emotionally as this is what motivates people to act. You can offer inspiration, relief from a problem, new knowledge or a sense of momentum and achievement.

Offer solutions

Think of some of the common problems that people face when they enter the world of affiliate marketing – the sea of information, for example, or the possibility of falling victim to a scam. If you have been worried about

an issue in the past, you can be sure someone else is still worrying about it now. If you can offer someone a way of tackling hurdles by passing on the benefit of your experience, this develops a partnership that’s based on trust.

Grow their knowledge

If you think you have found a key understanding that many people don’t have, it’s time to share. It can be tempting to keep it to yourself, but the smart marketer is always looking for the next big thing rather than dwelling on the discoveries they have already made. You only need to be slightly ahead of the curve to stand out from the pack.

Your unique perspective is what will have people avidly following your blog or email communications, so you need to be willing to offer what you have learned. This kind of altruistic behavior also hints at abundance and success which adds to the value and authority of your communications.

Help them understand and achieve their goals

For people to get want they want, they need to know what they want. Sounds simple doesn’t it? But, many people still lack clarity around their life goals. They know they want things to change and they have a vague notion of achieving this by being happier or making more money, but this isn’t focused enough to guide a project. If you can help them get clarity at the same time as suggesting ways to move towards this new, clearer goal, you’re giving them a feeling of momentum and hope that they may have been lacking and that’s invaluable.

For example, you could offer clients a system that helps them make and achieve goals. If you introduce this system during your initial communications and then break it down over the course of a series, you have an ongoing relationship with your subscribers and you can offer them extra support along the way that benefits you in some way.

Dean has just put all the latest information to succeed at affiliate marketing with your own online business into a new book called “The Affiliate Marketers Playbook” and he’s giving away copies for FREE

Click here and tell me where to ship yours

Thanks for reading, I can’t wait to help you get better results online.

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