Online Marketing Communication

Once you get subscribers, you need to start building a relationship with them and you might direct them to your social media or offer them free info about your services. One of the best online marketing communication methods is still direct email. Automated sequence Automation is one way to save yourself time. It also ensures…
Investing In Internet Marketing

Investing in internet marketing is a necessary part of your initial and ongoing strategy. From training to software, email lists to products – they all have their place and can lead you to success as long as you are careful. Follow some of these tips to ensure that you make the right choices. Do your…
Cross-Device Marketing Tips

Cross-Device Marketing Tips. Only 30% of people now use desktop as their only source of engagement. Smartphone users take up most of the rest, with a 16% share going to people who use tablets. If your cross-device marketing strategy doesn’t cover all these bases, you could be missing out on high-value customers. You can’t just…
Remarketing – What Is It And Why Do You Need It?

Remarketing – What is it and why do you need it? Any interaction between a customer and your business takes them on a journey. You want them to move through each stage taking all the actions available till they get to the end offering. This is usually where you are making the most money. In…
Digital Marketing – The Biggest Changes For 2019

Last year’s big changes to Google marketing are now having an effect on the way that your business appears in the search engine giant’s listings. Digital marketing is about staying ahead of the game. You have to run towards the new changes while your competitors are still looking for their keys. Here I take you…