Judging How Often To Email Your Subscribers

There are some questions that are the subject of eternal debate in the internet marketing community. Which social media platform is best to use? What’s the best way to use Google AdWords? What can you do yourself and what requires professional assistance? These are all good questions and trying to answer them for yourself will help you shape your internet marketing strategy. The questions we are looking at today is an important and hotly debated one: how often should you email your subscribers?

The Goldilocks zone

‘The Goldilocks zone’ is the name for an area of the universe where the conditions are just right for life. It’s also started to appear as a term to describe any situation where the need to get it ‘not too hot, not too cold but just right’ is vital. Finding the Goldilocks zone when it comes to your email frequency is vital.

Too often and people will click that unsubscribe button. Once you’ve lost them, it’s very hard to get someone back. While you can (and should) ask why they have unsubscribed, they may not tell you and you may never know.

Email too infrequently and you’ll never build up enough momentum to get them to the next level of your marketing strategy. You have a little while after they have first expressed interest to make the most of that spark. If you leave it too long, you’ll soon be sending emails that never get opened except when they decide to unsubscribe.

Variations on a theme

As with most questions in life, there isn’t a single answer. The important thing is that you know what you are doing and why. You must also test your strategy regularly and refine to ensure it remains effective.

You should aim for consistent contact in the long-term. There might be variations in the beginning as you engage a customer several times in the first couple of weeks to take advantage of the honeymoon period. Quite soon though, most people choose to taper off to a reasonable 2 – 4-week contact interval to avoid email fatigue. Once you have regularity, ensure you keep it up and continue to ask yourself each time if your emails are still offering value to your clients.

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Which social media platform should you be focused on?

Testing your strategies

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