Move Past Being Overwhelmed In A Matter Of Minutes

Here’s today’s video

Are you feeling lost or overwhelmed? Feeling like you have a lot to do is productive up to a point but when it gets overpowering, you might need strategies to sort things out.

In this episode, my mentor, Dean Holland offers an effective, yet simple, technique to manage your task list.

Here it is:

– First of all, choose your medium. You may find working on your computer is fluid while some people prefer the kinaesthetic feel of a paper and pen. If you prefer the latter, Dean even suggests choosing a large piece of paper to expand your boundaries and explore the potential of what your mind has to offer.

– Divide your paper into two halves.

– On one side of the paper write ‘Everything’ in bold letters. This is the time and place for the brain dump! Go for it… Scribble or type out every single thing that is on your mind. Try and empty all the corners and let everything fall onto the paper. This, in itself, should produce a feeling of release. You can also experience a calming because everything feels bigger and more chaotic in your head than it does when you finally get it onto paper.

– On the other side of your paper write ‘What Matters Now’ at the top in big letters. Pick out the tasks from the side you’ve already filled with your mind dump and find the ones that will have the biggest possible, positive impact on your business. Be strict and honest with yourself here.

-Take your piece of paper and fold it in half so that you can only see the ‘What Matters Now’ side. This is about focusing your mind on what you have already decided is important.

Now you know what to focus on. This should melt away the paralysis and give you a way forward.

I hope this technique is helpful to you. It would be great to hear about your process and how you used this technique. Comment below if you have anything to share and check back soon for the next instalment.

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