Setting up your own online business working from home can give you the freedom you have always wanted. However, it takes dedication and a bit of forethought to get yourself set up in the first place. There are a number of ways you can make things easier for yourself when it comes to time management.
Give yourself time….
You can make a steady transition from full-time employment to self-employment. Initially, this might mean working a bit in the evenings or perhaps getting up early to invest a couple of hours each day. Try both, notice which is more productive and make a decision about what you want to do to get things going.
When you feel ready, you may be able to explore the option of reducing hours at your current job. Your focus will be split between two jobs but it’s less of a risk than diving straight into self-employment. Everyone has the right to ask their employer for a flexible working pattern. With the right attitude, you can build a strong case and convince your employer that a four-day week, for example, can work well for both of you.
…but not too much time!
So much of life is a balancing act and, whilst you need to time to adjust, you also need strong deadlines to support the momentum of your transition. It’s too easy to let tasks aimed at setting up your business slip down the list of priorities. Bill Gates once said, ‘Most people underestimate what they can do in one year and overestimate what they can do in five.’ With the right kind of plan, you can achieve satisfying short term goals that build a pathway towards your long term vision of making a living as an online entrepreneur.
Spend perhaps 20 minutes at the start of each week setting your goals. Balance your focus in a way that’s going to work for you. Spend 10 minutes refining your goals for the week. Then, break these down into tasks for each day for another 5 minutes. The remaining 5 minutes can be spent ensuring that everything ties in with your goals for the month. Occasionally, you can spend a bit more time checking that everything fits in with your overall plan. Be strict with yourself and don’t get bogged down in this – planning can feel very productive but it only counts if you take action!
Increase your productivity with work windows
Block off work windows so that you use the time you have given yourself effectively. It’s easy to get distracted and you can halve what you achieve in a single hour if you are always checking your phone or email.
Block off 60 – 90 minutes at a time where you shut down the email window in your browser and silence your phone. Don’t get side-tracked by checking any websites or social media. There’s very little that cannot wait an hour or so. At the end of your time, give yourself a short interval to check on communications, grab a hot drink or make a call then start another work window. With this technique, you’ll be amazed how much you can get done.
Dean has just put all the latest information to succeed at affiliate marketing with your own online business into a new video training called “The New Way To Build A Profitable Business Online Even If You Have No Products, No Technical Experience, And Hate Selling“
Thanks for reading, I can’t wait to help you get better results online.
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