Making A Marketing Video

A great marketing video can build your reputation, have a strong impact on your customers and connect with people on a level that it’s hard to achieve with the written word alone. However, with the prevalence of visual content out there, you need to do something to stand out.

Here are some handy tips for making your marketing video:

  • Decide how you want to come across. For this you have to know a bit about yourself. What is your style? Are you funny? Serious? Super-technical and clever? You are better off playing to your strengths when it comes to video because the camera doesn’t lie and if you’re faking, it generally shows.
  • What’s great about your product? Video really highlights your knowledge of your product and what it can do for people. You must have enough in-depth knowledge to ensure that you can talk confidently and enthusiastically about whatever you have to offer for at least a minute.
  • The length of your video is important. Most people feel too busy to watch a lengthy video. You might be able to shoot something longer for customers who already know you and have enough trust in you to invest a larger portion of their time into hearing what you have to say. However, when you are talking to new people, or putting something speculative on social media, it must be short and impactful.
  • Set the scene. Even though you might not have high production values in the beginning, you can still improve the look of your video by ensuring that the backdrop looks professional. If all else fails, use the natural world to set your scene if you have good quality equipment for recording outside.
  • Use visual aids – you can break up your video with stills and graphs to demonstrate your points. These help to cement information in the minds of your clients. If you are stuck at the beginning, you can even simply talk over the top of a presentation, but this won’t connect you to your customers in the same way.

When you’ve put something together, watch it with a neutral gaze and ask yourself – would I spend time watching this? You can also ask a friend to review it for a second opinion. If it still needs work, don’t let that get you down. A work in progress is just that – progress!


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